2013년 12월 11일 수요일

My Plans for Winter Vacation

 I have some plans for winter vacation. First, I will study for my dream. When

I look my scores about this semester, I will choose my dream.

If I get a great scores,

 I will study for joinning the law school. If I get a bad scores, I will study for becoming

public officer. Second, I will go travel another place in Korea. I have not gone a famous

places in Korea. I will go there alone.



Third, I will play all day long everyday with my

girlfriend, best friends. Until I feel boring about playing, I will play many times.
When the summer vacation, I spent my times for working. So I could not do anything.

I will spend my times worthily during winter vacation.

Uh Oh! It's Almost Finals Week!

  I'm very ridiculous that it is almost finals week. Why the time just files?

I cannot understand it. Anyway, I am confident about final exams because

I have studied a lot. I decided to get a good score for final exams. So I studied

steadily. I am sure that I will get a great scores. But, I hope that final exams are

finished very quickly. I want to have a fun with my friends. I cannot play because

of studying. If the final exams are finished, I will play all day long every day.


If I Had a Time Machine, I Would Travel to the Year....

 If I had a time machine, I would travel to the year of 2025. It's only 12 years later.

But I want to go the year of 2025 because I want to see my future. I really curious about

my job. If I go this years, I can show my job. In addition, I can show my wife. I really

want to see my wife. If my wife is very beautiful, I'll happy during my real life. If I see

the bad future of me, I will do more hard such as study. If I see my nice life, I will very

happy and enjoy everything. So I want to see my future in 2025.


Any Current Issue


Nelson Mandela died on January 5. His age was 95. He was the president of South

Africa, and also liberator. He was very famous for human right activist. Many people

know Mandela, and his achievements for African. Many people express sympathy with

Mandela's dead. Especially, Many Africans and other blacks felt sad for their hero. If he

does not exist, many blacks will experience the racial discrimination countinuously. Many

cerebrities, such as Barack Obama, will go to his feneral for expressing sympathy. We will

never forget his efforts for human rights. He is absolutely hero for humans.


If I Could Switch Places With 1 Person in My Class, It Would Be....

 If I Could Switch Places With 1 Person in My Class, it would be Jane, my girl friend.

We are campus couple. We always happy to meet. Our love grow more and more.

But sometimes, we fight for a trivial matter. Whenever we fight, we make up soon.

But truly, she is not really ok. She just calm down for me. I always thank for her sacrifice.

I want to know why she is angry. If I know the reason, I'll cheer her up easily. And I decide

that I'll never do it again. But it is difficult to know that why she is angry. So I would be jane

if I could switch.


I Want To Travel to Italy

  If I have a chance to travel to abroad, I want to go the Italy. Until I was young, traveling

to Italy was my dream. Whenever TV showed the Italy, I thought that it was very nice place

to go. If I go there, I want to go the rome. I really want to see the Colosseum.


Colosseum is

the place which Gladiator fought. That is really man's place.

Next, I want to go the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

It's sightseeing is very strange. I always curious how the building is leanning.

I want to see myself.

Finally, I want to go Venice. When I showed the city, I always felt that

it is very wonderful place. It is interesting that Venice has not road. People who live in there

take a boat for moving. This sightseeing is so nice, so I want to go Venice.

If You Could Have 1 Superpower for 1 Day, What Would it Be?

 If I could have 1 superpower for 1 day, I would get the power of  time control.

I will stop the time and go to the bank. I will prepare a mask and other tools for

robbing a bank. I always hope to become millionaire. If I have the power of time

control, I will achieve my dream. After robbing the bank, I will leave Korea. I will

go to America, and buy a great house. Also, I will invest in the Microsoft company.

I will never do the work because I will just deposit the money and get the interest.

That's my plan if i have the superpower.