2013년 12월 5일 목요일

What Stresses You Out?

  I have dreams for the future. I want to become a lawyer, or public officer.

I always consider this dream. In fact, I really want to become a lawyer.

However, it exists many obstacles. First, I don't have enough money.

I hesitate to pay the lawschool's cost because this is paid by my parents.

This cost is so expensive, so I always consider becoming lawyer.

Also, I want to make a money early. If i go to the lawschool, I'll not make

a money until 31 years. I may feel envy of my friends who make a money

early than me. I cannot determine about my future. This things stress me out.

Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office

댓글 1개:

  1. I agree with you. I stressed by pressure and responsibilities about my future.
