2013년 12월 4일 수요일

What is the Best Movie You Have Seen Lately


Do you know the movie "Very ordinary people"? It is called "연애의온도

(temperature of love)". When I was 23 years, I saw the movie in the theater.

Main actors are "Min Gi Lee" and "Min Hee Kim". Their character's name is

"Dong Hee Lee" and "Yong Jang". They are couple in the movie. They show

the situation of couple.  The movie's formation is like a Documentary. The movie

seem like "movie in the movie." The main characters tell their love story to us in

the film. This strange formation makes me more interesting.

This movie shows us about old couple's love. We fall in love with anybody,
in anywhere, at anytime. But it is difficult for couple to get along with together
for a long time. Couples fight about trifling reasons, such as opinion gap and
finally, they are broken. The movie tell us about Man's thinking and Woman's
thinking in some situations more realistically. They defend a man and woman using
their case. A famous line from a movie is that "The rate of meeting again is 82%. And there,
only 3% of couple continue to meet. The others are broken again because of same reasons."
When I heard the line, I empathize intensely. I had fallen in love in several times, and like
this movie, I have an experience about meeting again with my girl friend. But each time,
I could not continue my love because of same reasons. I liked this movie because this movie
gives an information about the solution of love. If you watch the movie, you can understand
why my lovely person become angry and how to solve it. This movie help your relationship
about your love more lovely. Sometimes, you may feel fun and empathize because they seem
like us.

댓글 3개:

  1. I have seen this movie. It is interesting and fun. Acter attracted me.

  2. Especially, Lee Min Gi is very handsome. He look like me....

  3. I really like this movie. Everything about the movie was very good.
