2013년 12월 3일 화요일


  Choseok is the tranditional holiday for Koreans. Most of Koreans move to their hometown for

Choseok. My family also moved to hometown, Na-ju. I was excited because I did not meet my

relatives for a long time. While going my hometown, there was traffic jam. Naturally, It takes 30

minutes to go. However, it took 2 hours to go the hometown. Anyway, we arrived our hometow

n. Our relatives greeted my family warmly. We said hello, and helped their works. We made

Song-pyeon with together. Also we made jeons for memorial ceremony. We could not take a

rest because of that. After doing, we sat face to face and talked life story over dinner. I felt

happy to meet them. Next day, we woke early and prepared to hold a memorial ceremony for

our ancestors. After ceremony, we visited a family member's graves. This is the custom during

Chuseok. We did all ceremony, so we were very hungry. We needed to eat a lunch. We decid

ed to eat charcoal broiled porks. We bought so many porks, so we did not eat all porks. After

lunch, we took a rest. We played Go-Stop, and Poker. Time flied so fast, we ate the dinner

after playing. The third day, we prepared to come back. Many relatives felt something lacking,

and we did too. We said good-bye to our relatives, and come back home. I was sorry to have to

say goodbye, but it was a good time for us. I felt comfortable and funny during together.

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