2013년 12월 11일 수요일

My Plans for Winter Vacation

 I have some plans for winter vacation. First, I will study for my dream. When

I look my scores about this semester, I will choose my dream.

If I get a great scores,

 I will study for joinning the law school. If I get a bad scores, I will study for becoming

public officer. Second, I will go travel another place in Korea. I have not gone a famous

places in Korea. I will go there alone.



Third, I will play all day long everyday with my

girlfriend, best friends. Until I feel boring about playing, I will play many times.
When the summer vacation, I spent my times for working. So I could not do anything.

I will spend my times worthily during winter vacation.

Uh Oh! It's Almost Finals Week!

  I'm very ridiculous that it is almost finals week. Why the time just files?

I cannot understand it. Anyway, I am confident about final exams because

I have studied a lot. I decided to get a good score for final exams. So I studied

steadily. I am sure that I will get a great scores. But, I hope that final exams are

finished very quickly. I want to have a fun with my friends. I cannot play because

of studying. If the final exams are finished, I will play all day long every day.


If I Had a Time Machine, I Would Travel to the Year....

 If I had a time machine, I would travel to the year of 2025. It's only 12 years later.

But I want to go the year of 2025 because I want to see my future. I really curious about

my job. If I go this years, I can show my job. In addition, I can show my wife. I really

want to see my wife. If my wife is very beautiful, I'll happy during my real life. If I see

the bad future of me, I will do more hard such as study. If I see my nice life, I will very

happy and enjoy everything. So I want to see my future in 2025.


Any Current Issue


Nelson Mandela died on January 5. His age was 95. He was the president of South

Africa, and also liberator. He was very famous for human right activist. Many people

know Mandela, and his achievements for African. Many people express sympathy with

Mandela's dead. Especially, Many Africans and other blacks felt sad for their hero. If he

does not exist, many blacks will experience the racial discrimination countinuously. Many

cerebrities, such as Barack Obama, will go to his feneral for expressing sympathy. We will

never forget his efforts for human rights. He is absolutely hero for humans.


If I Could Switch Places With 1 Person in My Class, It Would Be....

 If I Could Switch Places With 1 Person in My Class, it would be Jane, my girl friend.

We are campus couple. We always happy to meet. Our love grow more and more.

But sometimes, we fight for a trivial matter. Whenever we fight, we make up soon.

But truly, she is not really ok. She just calm down for me. I always thank for her sacrifice.

I want to know why she is angry. If I know the reason, I'll cheer her up easily. And I decide

that I'll never do it again. But it is difficult to know that why she is angry. So I would be jane

if I could switch.


I Want To Travel to Italy

  If I have a chance to travel to abroad, I want to go the Italy. Until I was young, traveling

to Italy was my dream. Whenever TV showed the Italy, I thought that it was very nice place

to go. If I go there, I want to go the rome. I really want to see the Colosseum.


Colosseum is

the place which Gladiator fought. That is really man's place.

Next, I want to go the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

It's sightseeing is very strange. I always curious how the building is leanning.

I want to see myself.

Finally, I want to go Venice. When I showed the city, I always felt that

it is very wonderful place. It is interesting that Venice has not road. People who live in there

take a boat for moving. This sightseeing is so nice, so I want to go Venice.

If You Could Have 1 Superpower for 1 Day, What Would it Be?

 If I could have 1 superpower for 1 day, I would get the power of  time control.

I will stop the time and go to the bank. I will prepare a mask and other tools for

robbing a bank. I always hope to become millionaire. If I have the power of time

control, I will achieve my dream. After robbing the bank, I will leave Korea. I will

go to America, and buy a great house. Also, I will invest in the Microsoft company.

I will never do the work because I will just deposit the money and get the interest.

That's my plan if i have the superpower.


2013년 12월 5일 목요일

What is Your #1 Pet Peeve

  My #1 pet peeve is my university's policys. My department of global law will be

abolished in next year. I cannot understand why the department of law will abolished.

The university says "This department's employment rate is very low, so we cannot hold

this department because we don't have enough money." But they have been built the great

hospital. How can they get the money despite of financial difficulties?

Our department was created in 2009 and this will be abolished in 2014. This exists only

5 years. When Global law was created, the university said that this major will lead the

Chosun university. But now, we go out into the cold. We cannot meet our junior.

Perhaps, nobody can know about our major.We join the major because they say

"it is a very nice major to you." But we are left out.

I really dislike this situation.


What Stresses You Out?

  I have dreams for the future. I want to become a lawyer, or public officer.

I always consider this dream. In fact, I really want to become a lawyer.

However, it exists many obstacles. First, I don't have enough money.

I hesitate to pay the lawschool's cost because this is paid by my parents.

This cost is so expensive, so I always consider becoming lawyer.

Also, I want to make a money early. If i go to the lawschool, I'll not make

a money until 31 years. I may feel envy of my friends who make a money

early than me. I cannot determine about my future. This things stress me out.

Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office

2013년 12월 4일 수요일

Uh Oh! It's Mid-Term Week.

  I could not believe this was mid-term week. First day in the semester, I certainly

decided to study hard to get a good score but this promise became nothing. I did not

study enough because I had lots of assignment, and I lazied about studying. For this

reasons, I decided to study all night until mid-term in the class. When I came in the

class, my senior, James, also in that. We studied for tomorrow's test. We talked about

important things and asked each other. When we were hungry, we went convenience store

and bought ramens to eat. We studied until 4:00 am, but we could not recover consciousness

because of sleepiness.


When we woke up, it was 8:00 am. We had to study, but we could not

because of sleepiness. So against my expectation, I did not study enough. I realized that all

night study was very crazy havior. I'll never study all night.

What is the Best Movie You Have Seen Lately


Do you know the movie "Very ordinary people"? It is called "연애의온도

(temperature of love)". When I was 23 years, I saw the movie in the theater.

Main actors are "Min Gi Lee" and "Min Hee Kim". Their character's name is

"Dong Hee Lee" and "Yong Jang". They are couple in the movie. They show

the situation of couple.  The movie's formation is like a Documentary. The movie

seem like "movie in the movie." The main characters tell their love story to us in

the film. This strange formation makes me more interesting.

This movie shows us about old couple's love. We fall in love with anybody,
in anywhere, at anytime. But it is difficult for couple to get along with together
for a long time. Couples fight about trifling reasons, such as opinion gap and
finally, they are broken. The movie tell us about Man's thinking and Woman's
thinking in some situations more realistically. They defend a man and woman using
their case. A famous line from a movie is that "The rate of meeting again is 82%. And there,
only 3% of couple continue to meet. The others are broken again because of same reasons."
When I heard the line, I empathize intensely. I had fallen in love in several times, and like
this movie, I have an experience about meeting again with my girl friend. But each time,
I could not continue my love because of same reasons. I liked this movie because this movie
gives an information about the solution of love. If you watch the movie, you can understand
why my lovely person become angry and how to solve it. This movie help your relationship
about your love more lovely. Sometimes, you may feel fun and empathize because they seem
like us.

2013년 12월 3일 화요일

Recommend a Restaurant for Your Classmates to Eat at

  I recommend The Samgyub. It is located in downtown.

Specifically, It is opposite the Drop-top

and next to the Tom N Toms. It is samgyubsal specialty store. But it has uniqueness than

others. First, it has a delicious kimchi. Samgyubsal and kimchi are well-matched. Especially,

roast kimchi's taste is very good when you eat together. Without samgyubsal, you can eat rice

deliciously with roast kimchi.

Second, it has many different kinds of sauce. You can eat

samgyubsal with galic sauce, mustard sauce, honey sauce. I recommend galic sauce. If you

eat with galic sauce, you can experience fantasy world. It cannot explain about taste.



There are many kinds of meat. You can eat galic samgyubsal, spicy samgyubsal, also you

can eat Bul-Kong(which slice samgyubsal is mixed with bean sprouts.

Are you curious??

Then, you go The Samgyub. You may recommend to others because of same reasons

what I told.


  Choseok is the tranditional holiday for Koreans. Most of Koreans move to their hometown for

Choseok. My family also moved to hometown, Na-ju. I was excited because I did not meet my

relatives for a long time. While going my hometown, there was traffic jam. Naturally, It takes 30

minutes to go. However, it took 2 hours to go the hometown. Anyway, we arrived our hometow

n. Our relatives greeted my family warmly. We said hello, and helped their works. We made

Song-pyeon with together. Also we made jeons for memorial ceremony. We could not take a

rest because of that. After doing, we sat face to face and talked life story over dinner. I felt

happy to meet them. Next day, we woke early and prepared to hold a memorial ceremony for

our ancestors. After ceremony, we visited a family member's graves. This is the custom during

Chuseok. We did all ceremony, so we were very hungry. We needed to eat a lunch. We decid

ed to eat charcoal broiled porks. We bought so many porks, so we did not eat all porks. After

lunch, we took a rest. We played Go-Stop, and Poker. Time flied so fast, we ate the dinner

after playing. The third day, we prepared to come back. Many relatives felt something lacking,

and we did too. We said good-bye to our relatives, and come back home. I was sorry to have to

say goodbye, but it was a good time for us. I felt comfortable and funny during together.

2013년 12월 2일 월요일

What U Did Over Summer Vacation

  During summer vacation, I experienced many things. Among them, I'll introduce Yeosu

traveling with my best friends. I and my best friends decided to go Yeosu. One friend had

a car,so we went to Yeosu without bus. It looked easily to go, but this was very terrible.

The car could ride only 5 people, but we were 7. So 2 people should have ridden in the

trunk..... Unfortunate hero was me... I could not breathe because the trunk was very very


Finally, I took off my clothes until arriving Yeosu. We reserved the ticket about

The Ocean. Do you know The Ocean?? It is water park. There are many rides. We can

enjoy the rides using only ticket. Anyway, we reserved the ticket to play in the water.

When we arrived, we was surprised because there are so many people in the water park.

We enjoyed the water park. When we enjoyed that, we avoided the heat. After 5 hours

later, we went to the beach "Manseong-ri". After arriving the beach, we drunk the beer

and walked the beach.

We looked many couples in there. We felt envy. I displayed fireworks with only mans,

while many couples displayed fireworks together.


We sat the beach, and talked about

many things such as militery, future, next travel paln, etc...

We leave the beach at 2:00am, and we worried about bed. It was very late time to go back

Gwang-Ju. So we decided to be up all night playing computer games. Finally, we went to

the PC room and played the game until the sun rose. I was very tired, but I was very

interested because we were together.

The Fist Week Back at School



   The time was gone, the semester was started. Before I go to the university, it make me

angry. Why the vacation go faster than the semester? When the first day to go, I did not

want to wake up. I hoped that today was still vacation. However, it was not true. I must

be wake up, and go to the university for the first class. I went to the university, having a

mind of disgusting. After joinning the class, I could meet my friends. At that moment, I felt

happy to meet them. During the vacation, I could not meet my classmates because they

were very busy. I talked my friends about their life story during the vacation. After that, I

took classes and wrote the important things about the classes. When I wrote that, I thought

many things. When the last semester, I could not study a lot  because I worked at the

part-time job. Because of that, I did not get the good scores. I decided to get the good scores

this semester. My resolution to studying hard was always short-lived, however it will be

different to me. During the vacation, I thought many things such as plan of the college life,

achieving my dream, etc...

I was changed. Certainly, I will achievie my resolution!